
Natural remedies to lower high blood pressure

Natural remedies to lower high blood pressure 


The blood pressure occurs when the circulation of blood pressure by our body is too high, a problem that endangers the health of the heart and general well-being. Besides doing a review of daily habits and make changes in the diet, you can improve this problem with the help of some natural alternatives very easy to incorporate into routine. Want to know more? In umComo.com.br we give you some natural remedies to lower high blood pressure .

Natural remedies to lower high blood pressure


  1. Know exactly what is the reason why blood pressure is high is critical to make the necessary changes to improve this condition. Natural medicine can be a great help to combat this problem, however, it is important to be clear that no remedy is quite efficient if not modify the negative habits that affect your blood pressure and consequently the health of your heart.
    If you are taking a medication for this condition, it is important to consult your doctor before making any further natural treatment.

  2. Garlic is a full food beneficial properties and is an excellent antibiotic, great antioxidant and a great option to improve blood circulation. It is still a good natural remedy to lower the pressure due to its high content of allicin, which promotes dilation of arteries and reduce the formation of clots.
    However, to achieve all these effects will consume a clove of garlic per day, raw, since after its cooking properties are reduced. It is not easy to do, but in our article like eating raw garlic explain to you the way to eat with the least difficulty possible.
  3. Because of all the benefits that have on health , celery is one of the foods most commonly used in diets for weight loss, because it is an excellent diuretic that also helps reduce high cholesterol. But this plant also favors the reduction of hypertension, it relaxes blood vessels, improving pressure.

    The best of this option is that it is very easy to eat, just eat two stalks of celery a day, either in a salad, eating directly in soups and stews, or drinking from a juice.

    We do not recommend their intake in the following cases:
    • Pregnant women as it may be abortive.
    • People with stomach problems like irritable bowel or difficult digestion; in these cases it is recommended prior to cooking it easier to digest.
  4. Oats is not only an excellent source of fiber, perfect to regulate intestinal transit, it is also a good home remedy for high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Because of its ability to absorb fat and sugar the body and reduce the chances that accumulate in the body, this is certainly an alternative to improve heart health.

    Eat oatmeal every day is easier than you think, but if you prefer an easy way to add it to your routine just add two tablespoons of natural oatmeal in a cup of water and let stand all night. The next morning, fasting, drink the water; it is recommended to perform this procedure every day.
  5. The apple cider vinegar is full of benefits and properties , helping to eliminate body fat, improve digestion and promote circulation. Therefore it is an excellent ally for lowering high blood pressure; you just need to eat a tablespoon of vinegar in diluted apple in a glass of water, 3 times a day.
    Avoid this natural remedy if you have a weakened tooth enamel or is suffering from stomach ulcers and acidity.

  6. Incorporate diuretics in your diet can be an excellent option for reducing blood pressure. But it is not necessary to use any medication, just prepare a juice with a cup of water, a handful of fresh parsley and the juice of a lemon. Drink, preferably on an empty stomach, and see how your blood pressure will drop.
  7. Besides these natural remedies to lower blood pressure, there are other measures you should consider to make the most of your health. So we invite you to consult our article as lower high pressure to find other useful recommendations.

  8. If you want to read more articles similar to natural remedies to lower high blood pressure , we recommend that enter our category of Health and the Blood or falling in our news bulletin .

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