
What foods increase blood pressure

         What foods increase blood pressure


The blood pressure is the force with which blood travels through the body. When it is too high , our heart health may be compromised, so it is necessary to make some adjustments in diet and lifestyle in order to ensure our well-being. But if the pressure is too low , our health is also compromised, so we must seek how to regulate their levels efficiently. In both cases it is important to be clear which foods increase blood pressure to reduce them or add them to the diet as appropriate.

  • What foods increase blood pressure

    Foods that increase blood pressure: salt

    A diet with too much salt is a major contributor to the high blood pressure, so if you suffer from hypertension should regulate the maximum salt intake, replacing it in the diet , and if you have low blood pressure should incorporate it, always with moderation to your meals.

    Foods such as pickles or dehydrated products are also high in salt, remember that.
    Foods that increase blood pressure: salt

  • Foods that increase blood pressure: the built

    The embedded , especially greasy as the sausage, sausage or ham, also have high levels of salt, which is why much influence on blood pressure levels.
    If you suffer from high blood pressure, reduce the most of your intake and choose products always low in salt, and if you have low blood pressure, you can consume lighter alternatives such as turkey or chicken, also controlling the consumption of other meats, it does not Remember that have high levels of fat.
    Photo: supermeni.es
    Foods that increase blood pressure: the built
  • Foods that increase blood pressure: caffeinated drinks

    The caffeine-rich beverages such as coffee, tea or soft drinks, increase heart rate, which affects blood pressure. Its consumption must be moderate in patients with high blood pressure problems. For those suffering from low blood pressure, eat a few cups of coffee a day or three green tea or black, can be beneficial.
    Foods that increase blood pressure: caffeinated drinks
  • Foods that increase blood pressure: fatty meats

    The meats with high fat content (over 10%) also favor the increase in blood pressure. Nevertheless, even if low pressure is not recommended to exceed the consumption of such food, or could run the risk of other health problems like cholesterol and high triglycerides.

    If you have hypertension, always choose lean meats .

    Foods that increase blood pressure: fatty meats
  • Foods that increase blood pressure: chocolate

    As caffeinated beverages, chocolate improves heart rate due to its content of theobromine, which is why it should be avoided to the maximum hypertensive patients to be added to the diet of hypotensive choosing preferably 70% or more of cocoa, because it has a low fat content and provides many benefits to the body .
    Foods that increase blood pressure: chocolate
  • Foods that increase blood pressure: alcohol

     Foods that increase blood pressure: alcohol

    A glass of wine a day favors patients with low pressure, however in the case of hypertensive alcoholic beverages should be limited to a maximum because they increase the pressure significantly blood.

  • 2015/06/28

    How to avoid having high blood pressure

    How to avoid having high blood pressure 


    How to avoid having high blood pressure
    Every day, more and more people are diagnosed with hypertension or high blood pressure . There are many causes for this, such as lifestyle, stress and genetics. However, one can make a difference in your high blood pressure by making

    1. Lose weight to reduce blood pressure . This is one of the most important lifestyle changes a person can make to lower blood pressure. The mere fact that being overweight can raise the pressure. Therefore, the loss of weight can decrease the pressure as well as decreasing many other health problems.

    2. Exercise regularly to lower blood pressure . Exercising regularly can help a lot in lowering blood pressure. Regular exercise also helps with weight loss. Embark on a series of exercises, starting slowly and increasing over time. You can do daily between 30 and 60 minutes of exercise. Walking is a wonderful form of exercise to begin.

    3. Eat healthy foods to lower blood pressure . Choose nutritious foods with low glycemic content, it can support a healthy lifestyle and help lower blood pressure naturally. Keep a low glycemic index diet is important because it helps regulate insulin levels in the body and therefore helps to keep blood pressure low. A diet with a low glycemic index is rich in fruits and vegetables and low in carbohydrates.

    4. Also limit the amount of sodium in foods. A high level of sodium leads to high blood pressure .

    5. Limit your consumption of alcohol . Consuming a lot of alcohol was associated with high blood pressure. The alcohol may also contribute to increased weight, it is high in calories.

    6. Do not smoke . The use of nicotine can make his blood pressure is high due to the effects of nicotine in the body. The use of nicotine damages blood vessels and leads to hardening of the arteries. You can also contribute to increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

    7. If you want to read more articles like how to avoid having high blood pressure , we recommend that enter our category of hypertension or falling in our news bulletin .
    • Talk to your doctor to find out what are the most recommended practices for not having high blood pressure.


    What if I have high blood pressure

              What if I have high blood pressure


    The high blood pressure or hypertension is a problem that can affect anyone, but there are certain groups more likely to have high blood pressure levels . It is important to perform some actions to prevent hypertension, but it is not always possible and there are many people who are affected by this issue. That's why if you have made ​​a control and now also wonders " what to do if I have high blood pressure? "in umComo provide the answer.
    What if I have high blood pressure

     Keeping blood pressure values

  • If prone to high blood pressure, you need to keep track and measure pressure on a regular basis with a sphygmomanometer. Thus, you should try to place your blood pressure within the normal blood pressure values ​​. Your doctor or nurse should follow the evolution of your blood pressure.
    Keeping blood pressure values

  • Healthy eating habits

    Similarly, if you find that you have high blood pressure , you should probably change your eating habits and follow a balanced diet . You should consider such factors as:
    • Reduce salt in foods.
    • Avoid consumption of fried, which have high doses of salt.
    • Do not consume products rich in fat.
    • Include vegetables and fruits in the daily diet.
    • Eliminate or reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
    You can read here " like eating if I have high blood pressure , "but in his medical center certainly can facilitate a diet tailored to your needs, with energy contribution that needs depending on their age, weight, gender, activity that holds, etc. .
  • Physical exercise

    Another basic point in cases of high blood pressure is to exercise regularly to keep fit and avoid the risk of hypertension . Thus, in addition to practicing any sport you like, you can choose many other activities that will help you be in excellent physical condition.
    In our article on what are the best exercises for hypertensive you can find a plethora of proposals including, of course, find the one that best suits you.
    Picture: blog.naver.com
    Physical exercise
  • Give up smoking

    If you've ever wondered " what to do if I have high blood pressure ? ", surely you even got the answer: stop smoking. It is that smoking causes serious health effects and especially the cardiovascular system.
    It is important that you know excessive blood pressure can drift into other serious diseases that can even cause death, and smoking is an aggravating factor that we should avoid and eliminate completely.
  • Drug treatment

     Drug treatment

    In some cases, you need to start a pharmacological treatment always under medical prescription. Thus, the expert who has examined and evaluated their historical may prescribe some medication to help you keep blood pressure levels within the normal range. It will be important to follow what your doctor advises and comply with treatment for high blood pressure.




    Natural remedies to lower high blood pressure

    Natural remedies to lower high blood pressure 


    The blood pressure occurs when the circulation of blood pressure by our body is too high, a problem that endangers the health of the heart and general well-being. Besides doing a review of daily habits and make changes in the diet, you can improve this problem with the help of some natural alternatives very easy to incorporate into routine. Want to know more? In umComo.com.br we give you some natural remedies to lower high blood pressure .

    Natural remedies to lower high blood pressure


    1. Know exactly what is the reason why blood pressure is high is critical to make the necessary changes to improve this condition. Natural medicine can be a great help to combat this problem, however, it is important to be clear that no remedy is quite efficient if not modify the negative habits that affect your blood pressure and consequently the health of your heart.
      If you are taking a medication for this condition, it is important to consult your doctor before making any further natural treatment.

    2. Garlic is a full food beneficial properties and is an excellent antibiotic, great antioxidant and a great option to improve blood circulation. It is still a good natural remedy to lower the pressure due to its high content of allicin, which promotes dilation of arteries and reduce the formation of clots.
      However, to achieve all these effects will consume a clove of garlic per day, raw, since after its cooking properties are reduced. It is not easy to do, but in our article like eating raw garlic explain to you the way to eat with the least difficulty possible.
    3. Because of all the benefits that have on health , celery is one of the foods most commonly used in diets for weight loss, because it is an excellent diuretic that also helps reduce high cholesterol. But this plant also favors the reduction of hypertension, it relaxes blood vessels, improving pressure.

      The best of this option is that it is very easy to eat, just eat two stalks of celery a day, either in a salad, eating directly in soups and stews, or drinking from a juice.

      We do not recommend their intake in the following cases:
      • Pregnant women as it may be abortive.
      • People with stomach problems like irritable bowel or difficult digestion; in these cases it is recommended prior to cooking it easier to digest.
    4. Oats is not only an excellent source of fiber, perfect to regulate intestinal transit, it is also a good home remedy for high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Because of its ability to absorb fat and sugar the body and reduce the chances that accumulate in the body, this is certainly an alternative to improve heart health.

      Eat oatmeal every day is easier than you think, but if you prefer an easy way to add it to your routine just add two tablespoons of natural oatmeal in a cup of water and let stand all night. The next morning, fasting, drink the water; it is recommended to perform this procedure every day.
    5. The apple cider vinegar is full of benefits and properties , helping to eliminate body fat, improve digestion and promote circulation. Therefore it is an excellent ally for lowering high blood pressure; you just need to eat a tablespoon of vinegar in diluted apple in a glass of water, 3 times a day.
      Avoid this natural remedy if you have a weakened tooth enamel or is suffering from stomach ulcers and acidity.

    6. Incorporate diuretics in your diet can be an excellent option for reducing blood pressure. But it is not necessary to use any medication, just prepare a juice with a cup of water, a handful of fresh parsley and the juice of a lemon. Drink, preferably on an empty stomach, and see how your blood pressure will drop.
    7. Besides these natural remedies to lower blood pressure, there are other measures you should consider to make the most of your health. So we invite you to consult our article as lower high pressure to find other useful recommendations.

    8. If you want to read more articles similar to natural remedies to lower high blood pressure , we recommend that enter our category of Health and the Blood or falling in our news bulletin .

    What are the risks of high blood pressure

         What are the risks of high blood pressure 

    The pressure corresponds to the fact that levels of blood pressure too high, which derives in other conditions and diseases related to blood pressure . By this fact, it is essential to control and measure our tension so as to ensure that the levels are within the considered normal pressure values ​​.Otherwise, we may suffer some of the many risks of hypertension and the consequences can be very serious, as you can see in this umComo article.

    What are the risks of high blood pressure


    1. Although some consider hypertension only one risk factor, we can encompass it within the related disease blood pressure . The fact that the blood pressure values ​​too high can derive in other diseases and serious diseases which can even cause death.

    2. Hypertensive people are at high risk of cardiovascular disease and especially heart failure. Thus, the young and middle-aged people with high tension clearly at greater risk of premature death from cardiovascular complications that people with normal levels of blood pressure.

    3. The problem is compounded when hypertension coexists with other risk factors, so that the impact can be greater. For example, in cases of hypertension combined with smoking or cholesterol risks multiply.

    4. We should point out that there are three bodies which first feels this condition and where are higher risks of hypertension:
      • Kidney
      • Heart
      • Brain
    5. The kidney will be overloaded and there will come a time when, exhausted by overwork, can no longer fulfill its filter function. Hypertensive patients with renal complications are approximately 42%.

    6. Another risk of hypertension occurs in the brain, since the rise voltage, any danger of accident increases brain .

    7. And of course, the organ most affected by high blood pressure is the heart. As we pointed out, 74% of hypertensive patients suffering cardiac events .

    8. If you want to read more articles similar to what are the risks of hypertension , we recommend that enter our category of hypertension or falling in our news bulletin .


    Foods to Lower Blood Pressure

                  Foods to Lower Blood Pressure


    People with high blood pressure or hypertension should take steps to keep the blood pressure values ​​and a major factor to consider is the power . It is therefore important to know what you can eat and what should be avoided to have high pressure. So in umComo we detail to you some of the foods to lower blood pressure .

    Foods to Lower Blood Pressure




    Foods to lower blood pressure: cereals

    Cereals, especially whole and high in fiber are beneficial to prevent the increase in blood pressure. Thus, it is recommended to use oat, soybean meal, wheat, etc. in a balanced diet.
    Picture: maizoro.com
    Foods to lower blood pressure: cereals

  • Foods to lower the tension: blueberries

    Among the many benefits of blueberries , we find the fact that they are appropriate to lower the pressure . This is due to anthocyanin pigment with a therapeutic effect to reduce, inter alia, diseases related to the cardiovascular system. We can also find these pigments in other wild berries such as raspberries or blackberries.
    Foods to lower the tension: blueberries
  • Foods to lower blood pressure: potatoes

    In the list of foods to lower blood pressure, also found the potato due to its content in magnesium and potassium, beneficial minerals to avoid pressure rise.
    Foods to lower blood pressure: potatoes
  • Foods to lower blood pressure: Garlic

    Besides helping to improve blood circulation thanks to the fact of acting as a vasodilator and anticoagulant, the garlic helps lower blood pressure levels . People incorporating this food in their diet or ingest through capsules are able to reduce high blood pressure more easily.
    Foods to lower blood pressure: Garlic
  • Foods to lower blood pressure: dark chocolate

    Dark chocolate can also be considered as food to lower blood pressure due to its high content of flavonoids, which dilates blood vessels via nitric oxide. It is important that dark chocolate is as pure as possible, i.e. shall contain a minimum of 50% cocoa.
    Foods to lower blood pressure: dark chocolate
  • Foods to lower blood pressure: bananas

    People suffering from hypertension must also increase the consumption of foods rich in potassium as bananas, especially those taking medication for lowering blood pressure . It is this type of drugs have diuretic properties that will make the potassium is eliminated through urine and shall compensate to avoid excessively low levels of this mineral.
    Foods to lower blood pressure: bananas
  • How to eat if I have high blood pressure

    It is noteworthy that eating foods to lower the pressure will not be enough to keep regulated the blood pressure levels . It will also be necessary to consult your doctor so you can recommend to you the most appropriate treatment to control high blood pressure.
    Similarly, you should avoid specific foods that are harmful, and to maintain a balanced diet low in salt thereof; for this, we recommend you consult our article on how to eat if I have high blood pressure . It will also completely eliminate all the bad habits such as tobacco and maintain an active life, doing constant exercise.
    Picture: hemsirearshivi.blogspot.com