How to avoid having high blood pressure

Every day, more and more people are diagnosed with hypertension or high blood pressure . There are many causes for this, such as lifestyle, stress and genetics. However, one can make a difference in your high blood pressure by making
- Lose weight to reduce blood pressure . This is one of the most important lifestyle changes a person can make to lower blood pressure. The mere fact that being overweight can raise the pressure. Therefore, the loss of weight can decrease the pressure as well as decreasing many other health problems.
- Exercise regularly to lower blood pressure . Exercising regularly can help a lot in lowering blood pressure. Regular exercise also helps with weight loss. Embark on a series of exercises, starting slowly and increasing over time. You can do daily between 30 and 60 minutes of exercise. Walking is a wonderful form of exercise to begin.
- Eat healthy foods to lower blood pressure . Choose nutritious foods with low glycemic content, it can support a healthy lifestyle and help lower blood pressure naturally. Keep a low glycemic index diet is important because it helps regulate insulin levels in the body and therefore helps to keep blood pressure low. A diet with a low glycemic index is rich in fruits and vegetables and low in carbohydrates.
- Also limit the amount of sodium in foods. A high level of sodium leads to high blood pressure .
- Limit your consumption of alcohol . Consuming a lot of alcohol was associated with high blood pressure. The alcohol may also contribute to increased weight, it is high in calories.
- Do not smoke . The use of nicotine can make his blood pressure is high due to the effects of nicotine in the body. The use of nicotine damages blood vessels and leads to hardening of the arteries. You can also contribute to increased risk of heart disease and stroke.
- If you want to read more articles like how to avoid having high blood pressure , we recommend that enter our category of hypertension or falling in our news bulletin .
- Talk to your doctor to find out what are the most recommended practices for not having high blood pressure.
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