Foods to Lower Blood Pressure
People with high blood pressure or hypertension should take steps to keep the blood pressure values and a major factor to consider is the power . It is therefore important to know what you can eat and what should be avoided to have high pressure. So in umComo we detail to you some of the foods to lower blood pressure .

Foods to lower blood pressure: cereals
Cereals, especially whole and high in fiber are beneficial to prevent the increase in blood pressure. Thus, it is recommended to use oat, soybean meal, wheat, etc. in a balanced diet.

Foods to lower the tension: blueberries
Among the many benefits of blueberries , we find the fact that they are appropriate to lower the pressure . This is due to anthocyanin pigment with a therapeutic effect to reduce, inter alia, diseases related to the cardiovascular system. We can also find these pigments in other wild berries such as raspberries or blackberries.

Foods to lower blood pressure: potatoes
In the list of foods to lower blood pressure, also found the potato due to its content in magnesium and potassium, beneficial minerals to avoid pressure rise.

Foods to lower blood pressure: Garlic
Besides helping to improve blood circulation thanks to the fact of acting as a vasodilator and anticoagulant, the garlic helps lower blood pressure levels . People incorporating this food in their diet or ingest through capsules are able to reduce high blood pressure more easily.

Foods to lower blood pressure: dark chocolate
Dark chocolate can also be considered as food to lower blood pressure due to its high content of flavonoids, which dilates blood vessels via nitric oxide. It is important that dark chocolate is as pure as possible, i.e. shall contain a minimum of 50% cocoa.

Foods to lower blood pressure: bananas
People suffering from hypertension must also increase the consumption of foods rich in potassium as bananas, especially those taking medication for lowering blood pressure . It is this type of drugs have diuretic properties that will make the potassium is eliminated through urine and shall compensate to avoid excessively low levels of this mineral.

How to eat if I have high blood pressure
It is noteworthy that eating foods to lower the pressure will not be enough to keep regulated the blood pressure levels . It will also be necessary to consult your doctor so you can recommend to you the most appropriate treatment to control high blood pressure.
Similarly, you should avoid specific foods that are harmful, and to maintain a balanced diet low in salt thereof; for this, we recommend you consult our article on how to eat if I have high blood pressure . It will also completely eliminate all the bad habits such as tobacco and maintain an active life, doing constant exercise.
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