
Why blood pressure rises

                  Why blood pressure rises

The high blood pressure , medically known as hypertension , is a condition that can endanger the cardiovascular health; For this reason it is critical to control its level and keep them within the normal range . There are many medical recommendations to be considered, including major changes in eating habits, but to put them into practice is important to understand before by soaring blood pressure . 
Why blood pressure rises


  1. To start you need to understand what is blood pressure : it is the pressure that makes the blood travel through our body reaching all organs. When the blood pressure is low, the patient may experience symptoms such as fatigue or sickness ; On the other hand, if it is high there may not be clear symptoms and still be at risk of cardiac complications.

  2. The blood pressure rises often due to lifestyle habits that influence directly the values, causing them to rise ominously. Some medical conditions increase the risk of suffering hypertension , among them are:
    • Obesity, as excess fat and cholesterol in the body is a factor of high blood pressure.
    • Diabetes also increases the risk of developing hypertension.
  3. Other factors that cause the blood pressure to rise are linked to lifestyle habits. Some habits increase the risk of developing hypertension because it directly influences the blood pressure values, for example:
    • Having a diet high in salt and fat.
    • Smoking.
    • Drink alcohol very frequently.
    • A sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity.
  4. Among the reasons why the blood pressure goes up, must also be included the hereditary factors . If an immediate family member have pressure problems, there is more likely to have that too; so it is important to take care of the diet, avoid sedentary lifestyle and follow all signs to prevent high blood pressure .

  5. If you want to read more articles similar to why the blood pressure rises , we recommend that enter our category of Health and the Blood or falling in our news bulletin .

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