
What are normal blood pressure values

            What are normal blood pressure values


Measure the voltage or measuring our blood pressure is a routine act that we must carry out to make sure that we do not suffer any health problems, such as hypertension (high blood pressure) or hypotension (low blood pressure). Therefore, it is crucial to know how to measure the tension , but it is also necessary to understand the results of this measurement and know what are the normal blood pressure values ​​. UmComo this article we explain in detail.
What are normal blood pressure values





    Measured Variables

    First we must highlight the fact that they are many factors that influence blood pressure values ​​of each person, such as gender, age, habits, diet .. As well as other variables the moment is measured stress as stress, digestion, emotions, excitement, sleep, etc.
    For all these circumstances, along with many others, that the numbers have a relative reliability and must be accompanied to the study of all factors. Still, the normal values ​​have been established, within which and taking into account a wide margin, considering a correct blood pressure.

  • What indicate values

    The first value indicated in the mercury column sphygmomanometer indicates the maximum pressure of the blood in the arterial network, which corresponds to ventricular contraction (systole) of the heart. While the second number indicates the minim blood pressure in the arteries, diastolic pressure, corresponding to the maximum ventricular relaxation.
    In most countries the voltage is expressed in millimeters of mercury, although the Hispanic world can display in centimeters. That is, we speak for example a 24:08 voltage, while in other sides 120 and 80. say that this figure is indicated that our strain is able to climb at 12 cm of mercury column.
  • Table normal

    These are the normal values:
    • The systolic blood pressure between 10 and 14 cm Hg (100 and 140 mm)
    • The diastolic pressure between 6:09 cm ​​Hg (60 and 90mm)
    The most recommendable would have a systolic blood pressure that does not exceed 12 cm (maximum 13) and below the diastolic 9 cm Hg. It should be stressed that with age tension tends to rise, since blood vessels lose elasticity. Normal blood pressure values ​​are thus slightly higher during adulthood.
    Above these values, stems from hypertension (from 14:09) also known as high blood pressure, while people who have low values ​​are suffering from hypotension , or low voltage.
  • How do you measure the voltage

    Currently, the most widely used apparatus to measure the voltage is called a sphygmomanometer , comprising a bag and a rubber bulb connected by a tube to a mercury column register our pressure in centimeters. It is a very simple measurement, which does not imply any kind of pain and is made ​​very quickly.
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