
What are the symptoms of hypertension

       What are the symptoms of hypertension

They are many and the various diseases related to blood pressure , though it is to hypertension or high voltage more frequent and common in the population. It affects many people and is a risk factor responsible for a considerable number of deaths. The patient who has high blood pressure values ​​does not show clear evidence of this, so it will be necessary to measure the voltage with frequency and follow a control. Still, this umComo article will present in more detail what are the symptoms of hypertension.

  1. First, it is worth noting that hypertension is a disease or risk factor (there are different opinions among experts) that on many occasions does not manifest itself in an obvious manner . Some call it "the silent killer" because many people who suffer from hypertension are not aware of it.

  2. Some of the common symptoms of hypertension -even also many other doenças- may be the nausea and dizziness .

  3. In some cases, the blood pressure may even cause :
    • Headaches
    • Weakness
    • Heart palpitations
  4. Although not usual, in case of severe headaches, nausea or vomiting, confusion, changes in vision or nosebleeds, the cause can be a severe form of hypertension known as malignant hypertension.

  5. You see, the symptoms of hypertension are visible. The best way to detect high levels of blood pressure is performing a tracking through periodic reviews . You only need to measure blood pressure and see if the results are within the normal blood pressure values ​​.

  6. It will be especially necessary to consult their levels of blood pressure the people with a family history of hypertension.

  7. If you want to read more articles similar to what are the symptoms of hypertension , we recommend that enter our category of hypertension or falling in our news bulletin .
  • Review your blood pressure values ​​frequently.
  • Have healthy lifestyle habits.


It is normal a 90/60 pressure?

                   It is normal a 90/60 pressure?


It is normal a 90/60 pressure?
 You just measure the voltage and are not sure if obtained levels are within the normal range of blood pressure? You wonder if it is normal a 90/60 pressure ? Do not worry because in umComo want to give you a hand and take this common question about what is considered low pressure and high or, on the contrary, within the normal range. So pay attention and see your doctor if you have more doubts.

  • What are normal blood pressure?

    First, fundamental is that you know what the voltage levels considered within normal parameters:
    • The systolic pressure should be between 100 and 140 mm , or 10 and 14 cm Hg.
    • The diastolic pressure should be kept between 60 and 90 mm ​​or between 6 and 9 cm of Hg.
    Thus, the first value indicates the maximum blood pressure when the ventricle contracts -sístole-, while the second value refers to the minimum pressure of the ventricle when arteries are relaxed to the maximum -diástole-. You can expand the information in our article on what are the normal blood pressure values ​​.
  • It is normal a 90/60 pressure?

    Thus, if the measure voltage, your blood pressure is 90/60, most likely you have a low voltage, which is known as hypotension. However, you must know that many factors influence blood pressure levels, so your doctor will always be in charge of assessing whether their values ​​are normal.
    For example, it is common that young women have lower stress levels than the rest of the population without this necessarily implies that its pressure is too low. Similarly, they can also influence other factors such as time of day that measures pressure, the meals, the season, etc.
  • What are the symptoms of low blood pressure?

    If you feel you have low pressure, it is important to know the symptoms of this condition so he could better assess your situation. You can refer to our article What are the symptoms of low pressure to meet them all, even the most prominent are:
    • dizziness
    • dizziness
    • fainting
    • weakness
    • blurred vision
    In any case, it is essential that you see your doctor so he can make a comprehensive and periodic control of their arterial values ​​and determine if you suffer from hypotension. If true, you should also know how to treat hypotension and to follow recommendations.
  • If you want to read more articles like the one of 90/60 is normal pressure? , we recommend that enter our category of Health and the Blood or falling in our news bulletin .

  • 2015/07/10

    How to measure blood pressure by palpation method

    How to measure blood pressure by palpation method

    The arterial hypertension has a high prevalence in the general population reaching 20% of adults. It is characterized by a chronic and silent course, but on occasion may develop complications that require attention in the emergency room. Their prevention and control are important to reduce complications. There is a technique that does not require stethoscope; is palpation method described below.
    How to measure blood pressure by palpation method


    1. The person should be comfortably seated for several minutes before taking a measurement without crossing your legs.
    2. Extend the convenient way of arm on a flat surface of the heart level.
    3. The inner bag of rubber should cover 2/3 of the forearm length and be sufficiently long as to cover at least 80% of its circumference.
    4. Place the cuff on the arm about 3 cm above the bend of the elbow.
    5. Feel the radial pulse on the same side that put the cuff.
    6. Fill the compression strap to about 30 mmHg above the reading at which the pulse disappears.
    7. Take the air bracelet with convenient speed of 2- 3 mmHg per heart beat.
    8. The pressure level at which the pulse reappears is the artery systolic pressure.
    9. This method does not allow the diastolic pressure .
    10. If you want to read more articles similar to how to measure blood pressure by palpation method , we recommend that enter our category of Health and the Blood or falling in our news bulletin .


    What are normal blood pressure values

                What are normal blood pressure values


    Measure the voltage or measuring our blood pressure is a routine act that we must carry out to make sure that we do not suffer any health problems, such as hypertension (high blood pressure) or hypotension (low blood pressure). Therefore, it is crucial to know how to measure the tension , but it is also necessary to understand the results of this measurement and know what are the normal blood pressure values ​​. UmComo this article we explain in detail.
    What are normal blood pressure values





    Measured Variables

    First we must highlight the fact that they are many factors that influence blood pressure values ​​of each person, such as gender, age, habits, diet .. As well as other variables the moment is measured stress as stress, digestion, emotions, excitement, sleep, etc.
    For all these circumstances, along with many others, that the numbers have a relative reliability and must be accompanied to the study of all factors. Still, the normal values ​​have been established, within which and taking into account a wide margin, considering a correct blood pressure.

  • What indicate values

    The first value indicated in the mercury column sphygmomanometer indicates the maximum pressure of the blood in the arterial network, which corresponds to ventricular contraction (systole) of the heart. While the second number indicates the minim blood pressure in the arteries, diastolic pressure, corresponding to the maximum ventricular relaxation.
    In most countries the voltage is expressed in millimeters of mercury, although the Hispanic world can display in centimeters. That is, we speak for example a 24:08 voltage, while in other sides 120 and 80. say that this figure is indicated that our strain is able to climb at 12 cm of mercury column.
  • Table normal

    These are the normal values:
    • The systolic blood pressure between 10 and 14 cm Hg (100 and 140 mm)
    • The diastolic pressure between 6:09 cm ​​Hg (60 and 90mm)
    The most recommendable would have a systolic blood pressure that does not exceed 12 cm (maximum 13) and below the diastolic 9 cm Hg. It should be stressed that with age tension tends to rise, since blood vessels lose elasticity. Normal blood pressure values ​​are thus slightly higher during adulthood.
    Above these values, stems from hypertension (from 14:09) also known as high blood pressure, while people who have low values ​​are suffering from hypotension , or low voltage.
  • How do you measure the voltage

    Currently, the most widely used apparatus to measure the voltage is called a sphygmomanometer , comprising a bag and a rubber bulb connected by a tube to a mercury column register our pressure in centimeters. It is a very simple measurement, which does not imply any kind of pain and is made ​​very quickly.
  • If you want to read more articles similar to what the normal blood pressure levels , we recommend that enter our category of Health and the Blood or falling in our news bulletin .

  • 2015/07/08

    Best infusions to reduce pressure

                  Best infusions to reduce pressure

    The high blood pressure or hypertension is a disease very present in today's society. Although there is a hereditary component, our habits have a key role to increase the pressure of blood traveling through the body and is a very common problem in sedentary people who maintain a high-salt diet, obesity or ingesting alcohol excessively. Changing our habits is essential to fight this condition, though some plants can contribute to this task, thus helping to protect our heart health. In umComo.com.br we explain to you what are the best infusions to reduce the pressure .

    Best infusions to reduce pressure

    1. Although certain medicinal plants can help reduce blood pressure , if not make changes in your eating habits and your daily routine will be impossible to correct this condition, endangering their heart health and being more likely to suffer from major heart disease that can compromise your health.
      The consumption of these infusions should be combined with a proper diet for high blood pressure and physical exercise at least 3 times a week. Thus can not only reduce your hypertension but also improve your health in general.
    2. One of the best infusions to reduce the voltage, which is also very simple to prepare, is the lemon infusion . This ingredient is excellent for eliminating toxins from the body, helping to cleanse the liver and other organs and favoring the elimination of excess sodium in the urine. Its high content of vitamin C improves blood circulation and is a great ally to combat high blood pressure .
      To prepare this infusion just add the fresh juice of one lemon in a cup of hot water; drink without sweetening, preferably. It is recommended to eat a cup fasting to enjoy all its benefits and another after lunch.
    3. Celery is known for its diuretic properties, helping to reduce water retention and favoring the elimination of toxins and sodium in the urine. In addition it is a natural hypotensive, helping to reduce high blood pressure through its intake.
      To take as infusion simply boil their stems for 5 minutes, put out the fire and let stand for 5 minutes before drinking. It is recommended to drink 3 cups daily for 1 week and you can add this ingredient to your diet to enjoy its benefits.
      This infusion is contraindicated for:
      • People with severe kidney problems because it increases the amount of urine and can worsen the condition.
      • Pregnant women because it can induce abortion.
    4. The Ginkgo Biloba is one of the most popular medicinal plants, known for its energizing properties, it is an excellent alternative to improve blood circulation, reduce blood clots and improve the suffering of patients suffering from heart conditions. In the case of high blood pressure, this infusion should be consumed only when we are not taking any medication for this problem, otherwise could interfere with its effects.
      To prepare this infusion add 1 tablespoon of dried leaves in a cup of water, boil for 5 minutes, remove from heat and let stand 10 minutes; strain and drink. You should not take more than 2 cups a day for 1 week.

      This infusion should not be ingested by:
      • Pregnant.
      • Patients taking anticoagulant medication or vasodilator because it could interfere with the effects of it.
    5. The infusion of mistletoe is also one of the most recommended infusions to reduce high blood pressure as it strengthens the heart, helps to eliminate cholesterol and prevent heart disease, also reducing the pressure. To prepare this drink should add a teaspoon of leaves and stems of mistletoe in a cup of water, boil for 15 minutes, remove from heat and let stand for 5 minutes before drinking.

      You should drink a cup a day without exceeding this dose. This infusion is contraindicated for:
      • Pregnant.
      • Individuals with higher levels of anxiety and nervousness.
    6.  Always remember that when we are diagnosed with a health problem, it is important to consult an expert on the intake of natural remedies or alternative solutions as medicinal plants also have side effects and contraindications.

    7. If you want to read more articles like the best infusions to reduce the pressure , we recommend that enter our category of hypertension or falling in our news bulletin .


    Why blood pressure rises

                      Why blood pressure rises

    The high blood pressure , medically known as hypertension , is a condition that can endanger the cardiovascular health; For this reason it is critical to control its level and keep them within the normal range . There are many medical recommendations to be considered, including major changes in eating habits, but to put them into practice is important to understand before by soaring blood pressure . 
    Why blood pressure rises


    1. To start you need to understand what is blood pressure : it is the pressure that makes the blood travel through our body reaching all organs. When the blood pressure is low, the patient may experience symptoms such as fatigue or sickness ; On the other hand, if it is high there may not be clear symptoms and still be at risk of cardiac complications.

    2. The blood pressure rises often due to lifestyle habits that influence directly the values, causing them to rise ominously. Some medical conditions increase the risk of suffering hypertension , among them are:
      • Obesity, as excess fat and cholesterol in the body is a factor of high blood pressure.
      • Diabetes also increases the risk of developing hypertension.
    3. Other factors that cause the blood pressure to rise are linked to lifestyle habits. Some habits increase the risk of developing hypertension because it directly influences the blood pressure values, for example:
      • Having a diet high in salt and fat.
      • Smoking.
      • Drink alcohol very frequently.
      • A sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity.
    4. Among the reasons why the blood pressure goes up, must also be included the hereditary factors . If an immediate family member have pressure problems, there is more likely to have that too; so it is important to take care of the diet, avoid sedentary lifestyle and follow all signs to prevent high blood pressure .

    5. If you want to read more articles similar to why the blood pressure rises , we recommend that enter our category of Health and the Blood or falling in our news bulletin .